A Guide to Answering the Personalized Assessment Booklet

Congratulations on starting your ultimate transformation journey with BodyKey™ by Nutrilite™ Meal Replacement Shake! This booklet will help you find out what your goals are and make you reflect on the things that you need to focus on improving or getting rid of in embarking on your fitness journey.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to answer the personalized assessment booklet to further help with your weight management journey. Some questions are already straight to the point, so there are no added explanations for these:

  • Nutrition


1. How old are you? (Choose 1) 

   - Questions about age are asked because we need to further analyze the type of diet that suits your age. 

2. Do you have a family history of diabetes? 

    - Your family’s medical history on diabetes will determine the type of diet plan that you need. 

3. Does either your father or mother have diabetes? (please tick all that applicable)      

    - Similar to the one above, your parents having a history of being diabetic will affect the type of diet plan that you will need. 

4. What is your waist circumference? 

5. Describe your overall physical activity and lifestyle. (choose one)

     - Your overall athleticism is also a factor in the diet plan that you will be needing.

Now, calculate all your points from questions 1-5. If your score is greater than or equal to 60, you need to start with a low-carbohydrate diet. If your score is less than or equal to 60, then, you need a low-fat diet.

  • Movement


1. I walk, pace, or stand for at least 5 minutes. (Choose one) 

2. How many minutes of non-exercise activity (i.e., standing, pacing, light yard work, fidgeting) do you accomplish in a normal day? 

    - Questions 1 & 2 measure your general movement, which is how much light exercise (like walking) you do in a day. 

3. How many days during the course of the last seven days did you engage in strenuous exercise, such as heavy lifting, aerobics, or fast cycling? Please state how many days per week you regularly participate in intense physical exercise if you were unable to do so (e.g. due to an illness). 

4. How long did you typically spend engaging in strenuous exercise on one of those days? 

5. How many days during the last week did you engage in moderate physical activity, such as playing tennis, carrying light weights, cycling at a steady pace, or table tennis? If you weren’t able to exercise (e.g. because of an illness), how many days a week you usually do moderate exercise. 

6. How long did you typically spend engaging in moderate physical activity on one of those days?            

    - Questions 3, 4, 5, & 6 assess your baseline level and engagement in physical activity and how your existing medical condition can affect your overall physical fitness. Depending on the intensity of the exercise that you do (if there is any), we may suggest that you ramp up your daily exercise for improved physical health. 

7. How many days in the last week did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time? 

8. How long did you typically walk on one of those days? 

    - Walking is a low-impact exercise that can benefit everyone, so even the slightest amount of walking in a day can already make a great difference for your physical health.

  • MIndset


I am confident that…

1. …if I try harder, I can always conquer workout barriers and challenges. 

   - Having the mentality of not wanting to give up goes a long way. If you do not have the mental fortitude to overcome challenges, then it might prove hard for your weight loss journey. 

2. …I could find the means and ways to exercise and be physically active. 

   - Aside from being brave enough to take on challenges, being able to squeeze in being physically active is another important thing since you really need incorporate exercising in your everyday life for you to achieve your fitness goals. 

3. …that it is easy for me to accomplish my activity and exercise goals. 

   - For this question, we are evaluating your overall pace in doing fitness-related goals. 

4. …I can participate in physical activity without the help of an exercise therapist.      

   - Do you need the help of a professional to keep you on track with your fitness journey progress? 

5. …I could exercise even if I had no access to a gym or training facility. 

   - Working out can certainly be done even if you do not have a gym membership, so you need to answer this truthfully. 

6. …when something prevents me from participating in physical activity. I can usually find several alternative ways to be active. 

   - Sometimes, life gets in your way— can you still find a way to incorporate being physically active in your schedule when things get busy? 

7. …I can participate in physical activity even when I feel depressed. 

   - Your mental state can affect your willingness to exercise. 

8. …I can participate in physical activity even if I do not have the support of my family or friends. 

   - Gaining / not having support from your loved ones can affect your willingness to exercise in a positive or negative way. 

9. …I can participate in physical activity even if I am tired. 

   - Your energy level can affect your willingness to exercise for that day.

    I can resist (i.e., decline or avoid)… [Questions 1-19]

    1. …eating when there are many different kinds of foods available. 

       - Seeing different types of dishes (specifically when they are your favorite) can make your mouth water, but can you resist the temptation of trying all of them out? 

    2. …eating even when high calorie foods are available. 

    3. …eating even when I have to say “no” to others. 

       - Saying “no” to someone offering you food (especially when they are older family members) might prove hard, but you should remember to stick to your goals if you want to lose weight. 

    4. …even when I have a headache. 

    5. …eating when I am watching TV. 

       - Munching down on food while watching TV is what people commonly do, but can you stop yourself from doing this? 

    6. …eating when I am reading. 

       - Can you stop yourself from eating while reading a good book or an interesting article? 

    7. …eating just before going to bed. 

    8. …eating when I am depressed (saddened or down). 

       - Can you avoid eating when you are feeling lonely? 

    9. …eating when I feel happy. 

       - This question determines whether you can control yourself from rewarding yourself for eating when you are in a good mental state. 

    10. …eating when I am at a party. 

        - A celebration will always have lots of food. However, can you stop yourself from eating on a festive occasion? 

    11. …eating when I think others will be upset if I don’t eat. 

    12. …eating when I have experienced failure. 

    13. …eating when I feel it’s impolite to refuse. 

          - Similar to Question 11, the culture that you grew up in might become an obstacle in saying “no” to people who are insisting that you eat. Some of them may also take offense in you declining them. What will you do in this situation? 

    14. …eating when I am angry, mad or irritated. 

       - Sometimes, feelings of frustration may tempt you to eat food. Can you resist this? 

    15. …eating when others are pressuring me to eat. 

       - Similar to Question 3, it might be a bit hard for some people to say “no” to food especially when people are insisting that you eat. Can you politely decline them? 

    16. …eating when I feel physically tired. 

       - Can you resist eating food that will help you gain the temporary energy boost that you need? 

    17. …eating when I am in pain. 

    18. …eating when I feel uncomfortable. 

    19. …eating when I am anxious or nervous. 

       - Being in an uncomfortable situation might push you to eat food, but can you resist this? 

    20. I can control my eating on the weekends. 

       - For most people, weekends are the time that you should be unwinding. However, can you resist eating too much on the days that you should be enjoying?

      • Stress Index


      In the last month…

      1. …how often were you upset because something happened unexpectedly? 

         - This question measures your stress level when a situation does not go your way. 

      2. …how often did you feel unable to control the important things in your life? 

         - Do you feel stressed when you are incapable of managing important aspects of your life? 

      3. …how often did you feel nervous and stressed out? 

         - This question measures how often you feel stress in general. 

      4. …how often did you feel confident in your ability to handle your personal problems? 

         - Are you confident of your problem-solving abilities when it comes to personal matters? 

      5. …how often did you feel that things were going your way? 

         - Are you confident of how much control you have in making things happen your way? 

      6. …how often did you discover you were unable to cope with everything you had to do? 

      7. …how often were you able to control discomfort in your life? 

         - Can you put on a façade when you are experiencing discomfort? 

      8. …how often did you feel you had things under control? 

      9. …how often did you feel angry because of things were outside of your control? 

      10. …how often did you feel you had too many problems to overcome?

        Your stress index will measure the severity of your stress levels.

        • Meal Habit Index
        • 1. When do you typically eat your largest meal? 

          2. Do you typically eat breakfast?

        Depending on your answers, you either need improvement or you already make good meal habit decisions.

        • Sleep Index


        1. …how often have you slept seven or more hours per night?
        2. …how often have you been restless while sleeping?
        3. …how often have you been sleepy when driving or reading?
        4. …how would you rate your overall quality of sleep?

        Your sleeping habits may need adjusting depending on how much you sleep in a day. The quality, duration, and place of where you sleep will determine the type of sleeping habits that you currently have.

        We hope that this article helps you in answering the personalized assessment booklet. Each result is carefully explained in the booklet, so continue reading the booklet for more detailed information on what to maintain or improve in your current habits!